It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to the Institute of Food Science and Technology of Irelands web portal. The IFSTI is the professional body representing the interests of Irish food scientists and food technologists by promoting their professional standing and their continuing professional development through further education and training. The organisation provides its members with valuable networking and knowledge-sharing events.
The global challenges of food security, food sustainability and food for health require science based but acceptable solutions. Here in Ireland food production and processing play a pivotal role in our lives, our environment and our export orientated economy. Our members specialise in many different fields such as chemistry, microbiology to process engineering and genomics and are working in very different environments such as regulation, quality control, public research and food innovation. The IFSTI facilitates connectivity between these disciplines and sectors. Our membership spans CEOs of food companies, principle research investigators in academia, and post-doctoral fellowships and post-graduate students. IFSTI provides a unique forum for food scientists, technologies and engineers to share ideas and mitigation strategies for the future food industry challenges. IFSTI members from a wide range of backgrounds and experience can interact not only within Ireland but also internationally to learn about and discuss best practices in over-coming global food challenges.
In summary, it is an exciting time to be a food scientist in Ireland and an even more exciting time to be a member of IFSTI. Join up to-day and meet new business partners, generate new ideas, gather new knowledge, foster collaborations and meet highly trained graduates.
Declan J. Troy, President.