The Team

the Assistant Director of Research, Teagasc – The Irish Agriculture and Development Authority. He also is Director of Technology and Knowledge Transfer for the Teagasc Food Programme.

Dr Rena (Catherine) Barry-Ryan is a Senior lecturer in Food product development at the Technological University Dublin

Dr Wayne Anderson joined the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) in 1999 from the food industry and is now Director of the Food Science and Standards.

Dr Kaye Burgess, is a molecular microbiologist and Senior Research Officer at Teagasc Food Research Centre in Ashtown, Dublin.

Principal Research Officer and Head of the Food Programme at Teagasc Food Research Centre Moorepark, Fermoy, Co. Cork

head of the Food Quality and Sensory Science department at Teagasc

Lisa is Chief Specialist in Food Science, Food Safety Authority of Ireland has been working with the FSAI for over 12 years.

Subject head for Food Science at University College Dublin where he lectures in Food Process Technology,

Has worked for 53 years in Food Factories firstly in maintenance, and then design of Food Factories and Equipment.